Get Cool ! Under

the Sun with coolbit


Japanese is here (C)KOBAYA Co., Ltd. (Nichiyou Hatsumei Gallery Japan
Coolbit is a conceptual head wear that protects the neck from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Coolbit also prevents sunburn while keeping the head cool. For an additional cooling effect, the flap can be detached from the cap and immersed in cool water.

coolbit Titanium Cap; CBSPCP84

Size 57cm/59cm

3 Ways to Use

 The Flap is made of a special cross-linked fabric that swells by absorbing water. This unique material absorbs 10 times its weight in water and retains moisture for up to 4 hours as it cools the back of the neck (results vary based on the temperature).

1) Cotton

2) Double Raschel Mesh:
A lightweight material with openings between the threads allows maximum circulation. The special material also helps retain the shape of the product.

3) The New Absorbent Fiber
An absorbent fiber used in the coolbit cuts the vaporization of water over 10 times effectively versus ordinary cloth.
The material keeps your head temperature down during strenuous athletic activities, and keeps the back part of your head cool under the blazing sun.

Top: After absorbing water.

Bottom: Before absorbing water.

The flap protects your neck from the sun as it keeps your head.

Thermal images taken immediately after exercise. The subject on the left was not wearing Coolbit headgear, and the subject on the right was wearing Coolbit headgear. Blue indicates cooler areas, red indicates higher levels of heat.

Download the coolbit pamphlet for workers For workers, protect yourself from the heat of sun
Coolbit English Pamphlet is here!


USA No6966072,USA No,D490,969S USA No,D477,706S USA D510,178S China No162272, AU No,773238,
JP 2001-146621 JP 09-170108 JP D1147947 JP D1176540 and EU, KOREA etc,

Cap for sports & outdoors

Hat for outdoors


Headwear for bicycle
One size fits all

Cap & Hat for kids
WR-CM703 Kid's cooling Cap & Hat

How to use Coolbit

 ●We are acquiring a worldwide patent of the coolbit.

The cool cap coolbit cools you down under the sun and gives you a new feeling.
International patent pending and copyrights registered.
We have applied for world patents (Japan, USA, Europe, China and other countries).
We are seeking parties to develop new markets all over the world.
Please do not hesitate to ask for more details about our products.

We seek companies to distribute "coolbit" throughout the world.
Please inquire freely.

(C)KOBAYA Co., Ltd. 1998−2010
E-mail; Please write "coolbit" in the subject heading of yourE

KOBAYA Co., Ltd.

(Nichiyou hatsumei gallery LTD)

Phone: +81-54-625-0839
FAX: +81-54-625-1898